Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wandering..... an update!

Well, I wanted to give a quick update to those of you wondering about my wandering. I have accepted the position with Sprint and I start on Monday. That is one of the reasons I took the position, money is the other one, another one is that it's familiar, and they are a great company to work for. They have always taken care of me (That should be a given I suppose, since this is my third time back with them. I'm sure they are thinking they hope the third time really is a charm.). I'm going to stay at Domino's, at least for the meanwhile to see how that plays out. I am NOT all about the money by any means, I want to be able to live my life, not work my life. Although a little extra never hurt anyone.

As far as a church goes, I worked my last day cleaning the church today, Saturday. I will probably visit on one fine Sunday morning very soon, just to say my final goodbyes, and of course, turn in my keys. We are looking forward to visiting some churches that we have heard a lot about. Frontline, Skyline, Believer's Church, Fusion Church, Bridgeway, First Church just to name a few. Of course, we are still part of Mars Hill, which we never know where that will lead. It's been a crazy, wild ride so far, and no reason to expect it will change too much.

Don't get me wrong, we do plan to put down some roots before too long, but at the same time, we understand the value of checking out these churches we are so curious about, and we may make it to all of them more than once, I don't know, but we are not church-hoppers although we are going to do some church-hopping for exploration's sake, not to church-shop if you will. WE ARE THE CHURCH, so even if you show up at my doorstep, we can have church in my house.... or the local coffee shop.... of the local asian restaurant....

OK, Random writing #1 for this blog, It's 1 am on Sunday morning and I am sitting in our library listening to asian karaoke.... yes, you heard me correctly. The people across the street and about three doors to the west of us have people over and hold karaoke in their house, or out back or out front, somewhere, but it's loud. They do this about 2 to 3 times a month. Luckily, we sleep with a fan on and our house is pretty well insulated so we can sleep, that is not why I am up at this time of night. This is just one more reason I absolutely love the neighborhood we are in. (By the way, right now, it sounds kind of like native american singing) Reminds me of Red Earth Festival. OK, time for bed...

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the job! I hope you enjoy it. I think we are going to plant at Skyline so we'll look for ya when you visit!
